When creating the Hungarian National Toponym Registry (MNH), our aim was to develop a data warehouse which would be suitable for the incorporation and management of the entire stock of Hungarian language toponyms. The main characteristics of the program is its cross-border feature which is attributable to the fact that toponymic systems, since they are linguistic-cultural phenomena, do not align to artificial borders such as country and state borders, but rather to borders created by language use. A unified management of the toponymicon is justified not only by historical circumstances and roots, but tasks relevant to present day language policies as well; therefore, we think the only right way to publishing the Hungarian toponymicon is to do so with its scope covering the entire Carpathian Basin. The content stored within the Toponym Registry consists primarily of material collected and published by experts in part from present day live language, and in part from historical sources. Furthermore, the Toponym Registry team contribute material collected by themselves. Data are continuously being uploaded into the Hungarian National Toponym Registry. The Hungarian National Toponym Registry comprises two sections, which correspond to two stages of processing. The Hungarian Onomastic Archives store toponyms in databases organized mostly into units of individual settlements, and processed into text files or charts. This section also includes toponym lists in dictionary form. Additionally, aid material useful mainly for onomastic research can also be found in the Hungarian Onomastic Archives. The other section of the MNH, also under continuous expansion, is the Hungarian Digital Toponym Registry, which stores a subset of the stock of toponyms found in the Hungarian Onomastic Archives as spatial data, thus enabling selections and searches based on various criteria.

The editors of the Hungarian National Toponym Registry wish everyone successful browsing:

Intro video
dr. István Hoffmann and dr. Valéria Tóth